Techitup Middle East
Green Tech

Kodak Alaris and veritree to Aid Agroforestry Restoration in Rwanda 

Kodak Alaris announced today its partnership with veritree, a restoration platform that connects businesses with verified tree-planting projects. The partnership will focus on agroforestry, an approach to sustainable land use that integrates diverse elements including trees, crops, and sometimes animals to create a sustainable ecosystem.  

As part of the initiative, 40,000 trees will be planted this year in East Rwanda, aiding in the effort to restore damage caused ​in-part ​by ​unsustainable ​farming practices in that region that have led to soil erosion and landslides. The partnership will address other challenges facing Rwandans. Approximately ​32% of​​​ children under age five suffer chronic malnutrition, and ​nearly one-fifth of the population is food insecure.​

Together, Kodak Alaris and veritree strive to achieve many goals, including:​​  

  • Providing 800 working days for local Rwandan farmers as they reforest 16 hectares, equivalent to 30 American football fields.  
  • ​​​Increasing access to nutrition by over 700%.  
  • Reducing severe food insecurity for Rwandan farm families from 56% to 8%.  
  • Sequestering 2,174 carbon tonnes, equivalent to taking 473 cars off the road for one year.  

The project is one of many Kodak Alaris commitments to helping businesses meet their sustainability goals. For more information on this partnership, please visit

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